Improve Accountability Systems


All L.A. public schools, early childhood programs, community colleges, universities, workforce preparation providers and L.A. Compact public leaders must be held to new and more transparent levels of responsibility for student success from school readiness to college completion and employment. All partners must develop ways to learn from previous experiences in order to accelerate student success.


A. Align cradle-to-career data and accountability systems from the pupil to schools to the district.

      • Continue to develop the capacity of schools and parents to use the School Report Card and other data systems to improve school performance.
      • Review qualitative measures for the School Report Card that reflect holistic school performance.
      • Work with partners to implement School Report Card findings to better allocate school site resources, staffing, budgets and other needs, and define the supports, rewards or other actions for schools that meet or do not meet their accountability goals.
      • Establish a third-party advisory body to annually review LAUSD information and accountability tools. Look at effectiveness, relevance and areas of success and improvement as well as usability by a broad range of stakeholders, including parents.


B. Work collaboratively with school communities and stakeholders to determine appropriate intervention strategies for underperforming schools and ensure these schools have new strategies in place to accelerate achievement.


C. Advocate regionally and statewide for the establishment of a comprehensive cradle-to-career enrollment, completion and employment success database to be used for joint decision making and continuous improvement.


D. Support the efforts of the institutions of higher education to improve post-secondary success.

      • Support the development of college and university reporting systems that present key student success metrics in a clear and concise manner.


E. Support the implementation of California’s Race to the Top statewide quality rating system to guide standards and supports for early learning settings. Align curriculum, assessment and teacher development initiatives to support its implementation.

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