Build Collaborative Leadership Capacity


Strong leadership among all school stakeholders – administrators, teachers, students, classified staff and parents – is essential for effectively managing schools.


A. Using existing data and information, identify leadership needs and existing programs and practices, and to the extent possible, how these needs and programs currently align for each stakeholder group.


B. Based on the needs assessment, collaboratively develop and implement a plan for formalized leadership development pathways for all L.A. school stakeholders.

      • Include new approaches and/or build on existing leadership initiatives for each stakeholder group.
      • Involve visionary L.A. education leaders at all levels, community organizations, unions, student groups, philanthropy and business in identifying the best current leadership programs and reviewing potential new innovative models.
      • Involve teachers, administrators and other stakeholders in planning and program development. 
      • Include formal mechanisms for leveraging and sharing best practices and ideas among all school settings.
      • Utilize existing and seek additional funding to underwrite the implementation and sustainability of plans, whether they involve existing or new leadership initiatives, and secure new investments.
      • Work with policy makers and stakeholders to develop standards, policies and capacity to support early childhood leadership programs and initiatives.


C. Significantly increase support and accountability for school site councils.

      • Include training in collaboration and consensus building, planning, stakeholder involvement, school budgets, etc.
      • Establish oversight mechanism of school site councils with participation of stakeholder representatives.


D. Build the leadership capacity of providers, advocates, parents and community leaders to advocate for early education.


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