LA DEAL Launches New Broadband Advisory Group

The Los Angeles Digital Equity Action League (LA DEAL) launched an Advisory Group on July 11 with elected officials, municipal staff and community advocates. The group convened to advocate for a robust public broadband network, posing solutions such as joint projects and funding applications, shared information and assets, and community input, among other functions.

The Advisory Group will establish the foundation for building publicly-owned, open-access broadband, increasing affordability and digital access throughout Los Angeles County.

LA DEAL is providing community leaders with opportunities to invest in public broadband solutions. Underserved households and businesses cannot access affordable internet service; however, through the LA DEAL initiative, both will benefit from a myriad of opportunities, including workforce development and educational advancement.

For more information, please reach out to Liliana Aide Monge, Director of Digital Equity, at [email protected].

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