Important News about UNITE-LA and the L.A. Compact

To our L.A. Compact partners and friends,

We are pleased to share with you some exciting news about UNITE-LA that will allow the organization to expand our reach and ensure more under-served youth have an opportunity to participate in the region’s dynamic, 21st century economy.

Recently, UNITE-LA became an independent organization, ending our formal affiliation as the Education Excellence and Talent Development Center of the Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce. Ever since the L.A. Compact’s inception in 2008, the dedicated UNITE-LA staff has had the pleasure to serve as the Compact’s trusted, neutral convener. Our shift to an independent status will allow us to increase the L.A. Compact’s influence and impact.

UNITE-LA was founded 23 years ago by the City of Los Angeles, the Los Angeles Unified School District, and the L.A. Community College District. In the ensuing years, we have grown into a nationally-recognized model for business-education partnerships, working to ensure the ongoing improvement of effective and aligned cradle-to-career public education and workforce development systems. UNITE-LA will continue to partner with the L.A. region’s business community—including the Chamber—in our collaborative efforts to improve education and career opportunities for all youth, especially those most under-served. 

Our staff, our mission, and our commitment to L.A.’s children and youth are stronger than ever. We look forward to continuing our work with you, our valued partners, in our collective efforts to break through traditional silos and to re-focus and re-imagine our education systems—putting students first and achieving improved outcomes for Los Angeles’ children and youth. 

We want to keep you informed on all the exciting work at UNITE-LA. Sign up to receive updates and stay tuned for the launch of a new UNITE-LA newsletter!



UNITE-LA’s L.A. Compact Team


David Rattray, President & CEO, UNITE-LA

Carrie Lemmon, Senior Director, L.A. Compact 

Ariana Oliva, Manager, Early Childhood

Adam Gottleib, Senior Manager, Higher Education

Sonia Campos-Rivera, Vice President, Public Policy

Humberto Estratalan, Manager, Policy & Projects

Alma Salazar, Ed.D., Executive Vice President, Education & Talent Development

Heddy Nam, Director, Talent Development

AJ Lucas, Coordinator, Workforce Development

Lisa Catanzarite, Ph.D., Vice President, Research & Evaluation

Sanaz Sazegar, Coordinator, Research & Evaluation 

Dinan Guan, Coordinator, Research & Evaluation 

Geraldine Jaimerena, Senior Manager, Business Education Partnerships

Bridget Netter, Director, Education and Workforce Development

Claudine Battisti, Vice President, Marketing & Communications

Marwa Abdelghani, Senior Coordinator, Communications

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